Top 7 benefits of roof lights

One of the main reasons behind the rising popularity of roof lights in residential and commercial projects is Ofset Rooflights that they increase natural daylight, reducing the dependence on electricity. Also, they are known to boost the residents’ well-being, making them feel more energetic and productive. 99acres enlists the top seven benefits of roof lights.

Roof lights are the windows installed on the roof of a property to maximise the inflow of natural light. They have long been used in large commercial spaces such as warehouses, offices and other properties that have a high ceiling or a ceiling without a loft. Owing to numerous benefits associated with them apart from a flush of daylight that they let in, roof lights are now being widely considered for residential properties as well. Read on to discover the many benefits of roof lights.

Doubles daylight
A study claims that a roof light doubles the daylight permeation indoors when compared to a window of the same size installed vertically on a wall. This is because light from the top enters the room directly while a vertical window lets in only reflected light. Also, the light coming in from a roof penetrates deeper into the home.

Reduces energy consumption
With abundant natural light available throughout the year, homeowners can significantly reduce their dependence on artificial light sources, thus bringing down their utility bills. Apart from being cost-effective, roof lights also help people do their bit for the environment as they significantly reduce energy consumption.

Improves ventilation
If poor air quality is the reality of your everyday life, roof lighting could be the solution. Some roof light models available in the market these days can be opened and closed electronically. This removes the hassle of operating them manually and helps in recycle the air in the space. Well-ventilated spaces also eliminate the breeding environment of mites, leaving the space clean and liveable.






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